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‘Hilly Colors Her Dreams’ come out in second edition. This book is the first among a series in which Hilly is the main character.
Children straightaway connect to Hilly whom is a unique character with charming personality, conveying important messages to children e.g. addressing their emotions, positive thinking, connecting to the peaceful self and more… these themes are brought with humor, fun, love and care.
Every child who reads the book, drifted into Hill’s world.

I invite you to join the journey and open your minds for healthy new thinking.

Hilly’s journey among colors is inspired by the Chakra system (centers of vital energy in the human body) and the colors related to them. The colors in this book are therefore not random.
In Sanskrit the meaning of the word ‘Chakra’ is wheel, referring to an energetic wheel conveying energy between our physical and mental systems.
What we sense and perceive as feelings and thoughts is actually energy flowing through these energetic wheels.
Help your child know and control his/her feelings and thoughts.

e   x   c   e   r  p   t

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