Secrets of Ancient Tibet, 6,000 B.C.
Explore Ancient Tibet and its Profound Secret Knowledge.
The civilization of ancient Tibet—the lost kingdom of Zhang Zhung and its legendary tradition of sorcery and true magic—is among the least known and most irritatingly mysterious obscurities of history. Very little of its past has been deciphered and orthodox scholarship stands before Zhang Zhung in deeper darkness today than that which shrouded the Egypt of the Pharaohs before Champollion. Archaeologists debate what the ancient civilization on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau actually was, when it came, and whence it came. Doubtless many chapters of Tibet’s ancient history will lie forever silent under her remote and desolate soil, yet extant traditions have perhaps been too readily set aside; academic pedants love to brand as mythical the accounts which have endured the millennia, and which mischievously persist.
The study of antiquity is properly accounted worthless except as it may be made living knowledge which illuminates and enriches our contemporary life. Owing to a remarkable series of events in an isolated region of the Himalayas, I encountered an extraordinary group of people and, through those encounters, was privileged to learn that much of the secret knowledge of the ancient Zhang Zhung culture has not only been preserved, it is powerful, richly illuminating, and utilized to this day. As the reader will discover, these shrouded secrets formulate the explorations in this book.
As one of their most illuminating concepts, those traditions relate that there is a group of esoteric teachings—the ‘Four Portals’—which set forth the true nature of physical reality and techniques of powerful elemental magic, or “sorcery.” The first traces of the teachings are thought to have appeared as part of the lore of the pre-Tibetan culture that arose in Tibet several thousand years ago, but may have originated far earlier. Being a forbidden body of knowledge, said to convey enormous powers, the teachings disappear from the historical record for countless centuries, not to reemerge until the 7th century A.D. in the arcane scriptures of the pre-Buddhist B’on religion.
According to those ancient traditions, the teachings of the ‘Four Portals’ were formulated by the earliest known “Buddha-like” master, Tonpa Shenrab Miwoche. The B’on traditions relate this historic event as occurring as early as 16,000 B.C. Although still shrouded in mystery, our most recent research indicates that the extant evidence places the earliest date of the Zhang Zhung culture at about 6,000 B.C., although the date of 16,000 B.C. may indicate the existence of a true Zhang Zhung or pre-Zhang Zhung culture existing prior to the ‘Younger Dryas Boundary’ cataclysmic event that effectively erased early civilizations from the historical record.
Much like our most recent historical Buddha, Shenrab renounced his life as a prince of the royal family to become a monk. Over a period of “many years,” the traditions relate, he gained access to secret knowledge that had been imparted, recorded, and hidden away some two-thousand years earlier by an entity known as “Gekhoe.” With this knowledge Shenrab achieved enlightenment and “otherworldly powers,” then later composed a comprehensive body of teachings to instruct qualified seekers on the means and techniques of attaining the most elevated wisdom and power. That secret knowledge is revealed and explored in this book.
2020 Edition, Kindle e-reader page count 295 (est., actual count varies with the reading device used). A Kindle Unlimited Book. For more information, please see the ‘Look Inside’ feature on this page. Thank you.
Library-Cataloging-Data: ancient civilizations, ancient mysteries, ancient knowledge, secret knowledge, Kingdom of Zhang Zhung, esoteric knowledge, psychokinesis, extrasensory perception, psi