Tasaloo Chronicles: The Beginning
The beautiful land of Tasaloo, home of the Tasoolian race, is a vast island filled with many wonders, and used to be a place that knew peace. The Tasoolians were a kind civilization of people who wielded the ability to transform into animals. Once they were transformed, they were twice as large, fast and strong compared to any normal animal, but despite having that ability, the Tasoolians faced grave danger. That danger was none other than the self-proclaimed King of Tasaloo, Zubelon. This merciless man has decimated a vast number of the Tasoolians in search of ultimate power that can only be granted to him by special crystals, known throughout Tasaloo as the Saconnai Crystals, and as a consequence for denying him the crystals, Zubelon enslaved a great number of Tasoolians who had not yet unlocked their animal forms while those who were able to transform were killed without hesitation. Many of the Tasoolian Villages had fallen during Zubelon’s takeover, and none were able to stand against the cruel tyrant because of the unstoppable robotic army he created. Countless lives were lost, and more and more bodies were added to the number of deaths as time passed on. Despite the amount of innocents dying, the Tasoolians still push back with what little numbers they have remaining. Will the Tasoolians be able to fend off this massive threat, or will they all end up under the rule of this cruel tyrant and be eradicated overtime?