“An engrossing and intricate war tale with a rousingyoung hero.” -Kirkus Reviews
“Bebout deftly explores the complexities not only ofwar, but of family and neighbor relationships as well […] The author hascreated a strong protagonist who effectively evolves from naïve teen into adetermined, resourceful man […] An engrossing and intricate war tale with arousing young hero […] The ending should pique readers’ curiosity as to whatcomes next in Teddy’s intriguing story.”
“An exciting andenthralling coming of age tale.” -Five Star Review Award, Readers’ Favorite
“John Bebout’s historicalfiction thriller, ‘The Cause of Darkness’ is an exciting and enthralling comingof age tale set in the Shenandoah Valley and Washington D.C. […] Teddy’s storyis a tragic one, and his coming of age is accomplished at the worst of times.Watching as he risks his own life to save his father from the noose is atriumph of the human spirit. ‘The Cause of Darkness’ is most highlyrecommended.”
“This was one of the best historical fiction stories I haveever read.” -Bruce Miller, Team Golfwell. Independent Book Publishers’Association
“I enjoyed reading ‘The Cause of Darkness’ by John W. Bebout who in my opinion is a brilliant writer with an exceptional ability to describe scenes and characters as if you were personally in this fast-action historical fiction story. […] As I read this story, which is told in the first person, I felt the events unfolding were rising out of the book displaying all in a spectacular movie […] I liked the way the author steadily increased the tension and drama as this book progressed showing the grim realities and cruelties of war in a way that made me reflect on the extreme importance of peace in the troubled world we have today. The author clearly shows and gave mea reminder there is no humanity when it comes down to kill or be killed, aswell as how extremely loving we can be […] I also felt this was one of the besthistorical fiction stories I have ever read with exceedingly high tension aswell as low points all mixed with dramatic twists and turns which produced acornucopia of emotions […] . I also found the story intriguing, dramatic andentertaining written by a very gifted author. Highly recommended!”
“Upon completion of this book, I was left in tears.” – Online Book Club
“Firstof all, I must say that upon completion of this book, I was left in tears […] I keep wondering, is it possible to love someone so much that you let them die when they could be saved? […] The influence this book has had on me is primarily as a result of its plot and characterization. I was pleased thatwhile the author told a story with an interesting plot, the characters weredeveloped very well, and their relevance was evident […] There was nothing todislike about this book […}As a result of how much I enjoyed this read as wellas how well-written it was, I rate ‘The Cause of Darkness’ 4 out of 4 stars. I recommend this book topeople who are interested in history and fiction stories.”
From the Author
From the Back Cover
“Bebout deftly explores the complexities not only of war,but of family and neighbor relationships as well […] The author has created astrong protagonist who effectively evolves from naïve teen into a determined,resourceful man […] An engrossing and intricate war tale with a rousing younghero […] The ending should pique readers’ curiosity as to what comes next inTeddy’s intriguing story.” –KirkusReviews
“John Bebout’s historical fictionthriller, The Cause of Darkness: A Story of the Civil War, is anexciting and enthralling coming of age tale set in the Shenandoah Valley andWashington D.C. […] Teddy’s story is a tragic one, and his coming of age isaccomplished at the worst of times. Watching as he risks his own life to savehis father from the noose is a triumph of the human spirit. The Cause ofDarkness is most highly recommended.-Five-Star Review Award, Readers’ Favorite
About the Author

Author: John W. Bebout
John W. Beboutis a poet who has been published in such literary magazines as ‘The EstheticApostle,’ ‘The Paragon Press’ and ‘Horseshoes & Hand Grenades,’ amongothers. ‘The Cause of Darkness’ is his first novel and, always a poet, he hasstarted each chapter of the book with original prose or quotes, which give thebook a lyrical quality rarely found in historical fiction.
In a former life, Bebout was a scientist who authored/coauthored more thantwo-dozen juried, technical articles. Bebout has lived in Virginia for morethan 30 years. It is, he says, “A place where romance and adventure are as pervasive as honeysuckle growing on a fence line.”